Sunita Shah, 25, lives in Janakpur with her husband and three children. Her husband Laxman Prasad Shah works in a private office. Her elder daughter and two sons study at nearby school. She has completed her education of class five. She has been doing painting since her childhood and continued after marriage.
When she was asked about her career in JHC, she said, “…nobody suggested me to work outside, I worked for a month in tension, and later my family members accepted it as they knew that JHC is the centre for women only. Villagers didn’t stop making comment on me. But now, the situation is different, I am a role model of teenagers in the village.”
Sunita Shah is one of the master artists of JHC. She is expert in drawing various kinds of motifs of birds and animals. She decorates them beautifully. She also draws natural scenery.